Benefits of Automatic Milk Collection System for the Dairy Co-operatives

Automatic Milk Collection Systems have played a significant role in streamlining and digitalizing the Dairy ecosystem. These systems are well-designed, well-integrated and sophisticated, which digitalize several functions of milk collection and enable transparency between all the stakeholders of the Dairy Supply Chain.

Automatic Milk Collection Systems comprise various hardware as well as software components. While its Milk Analyzer/ Fatomatic, assesses the milk quality the weighing scale captures the quantity of the milk. All the data is recorded digitally and is accessible in real-time on the cloud through a web portal.

How Automatic Milk Collection Systems provide a range of benefits to the Dairy Industry

· Digitizes Milk Collection Process

All the data of the milk collection process is recorded digitally, eliminating the need of maintaining it manually in registers. Thus, it provides a smart, technological solution to the cumbersome procedures. Digital recording also speeds up the milk collection process, allowing collection of more milk in less time.

· Enables Transparency in Dairy Supply Chain

The entire milk collection process is recorded digitally and can be viewed in real-time by all the stakeholders, thus making the entire process transparent and full-proof. Thus, everyone in the Dairy Supply Chain remains updated about the quality and quantity of milk flowing through the system. If there are any malpractices at any stage, the same can be easily identified because the entire system is online.

· Real Time Data Management and Analytics

All the data of milk collection process is stored on the cloud and can be viewed in real-time. This data offers various actionable insights and enables informed decision making to ensure profitability of Dairy, retain quality of milk and enable transparency in Dairy Supply Chain.

Highlight of the Automatic Milk Collection System from Prompt

The Automatic Milk Collection Systems from Prompt have gained fame for being a professional solution, facilitating efficiency and transparency in the Dairy industry. The company ensures and sticks to providing competence, technical edge, and expertise in automating and digitalizing the dairy sector.

Prompt offers various models of Automatic Milk Collection Systems (AMCS) as per the usage and requirement of the customer. If the operational need is limited to milk collection transactions, then Data Processor Unit (DPU) based AMCS is offered. However, if the operational needs involve advanced accounting and procurement transactions, then Personal Computer (PC) based AMCS is recommended. All the data related to real-time milk collection is stored on the cloud from which advanced analytical reports can be derived. These analytical reports provide actionable

insights and enable informed decision making. Thus, Prompt Automatic Milk Collection System helps the dairies by improving efficiency in Dairy Supply Chain and increasing their profitability.

One of the unique things about Prompt AMCS is that it is supported with a dedicated App for Farmer, Milk Collection Centre and for Dairy, which keeps them updated in real-time about the flow of milk through instant alerts and notifications. Another salient feature is that the milk collection system is accessible on both DC Power as well as solar power and can easily integrate with platforms such as ERP, Oracle and SAP. Prompt AMCS Software is directly linked to the bank account of the farmer, thus the amount earned by the farmer gets directly deposited into their account.

Key Take Aways

Automatic Milk Collection Systems are an integral part of digitization in the dairy industry. The most remarkable thing is that they can work with real-time management and data analytics. Thus, Automatic Milk Collection System is an apt solution to the age-old problems that have been lingering in the Indian Dairy Industry.

Also read : Successful installation of Automatic Milk Collection System (AMCU) in South Region During

COVID-19 stress

Prompt Dairytech

Prompt provides innovative dairy solutions for an efficient dairy procurement supply chain. Our wide range of innovative dairy equipment and dairy software helps farmers as well as dairy operators maintain the purity of the milk.

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